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Strategic Scientific Workshops

Strategic Scientific Workshops 2023

Workshop Prof. Alber

Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber                                                                                                                                                         Chair of Social Anthropology, University of Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Yvan Droz  
Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland

Dr. Diego Malara                                                                                                                                                                       Assistant Professor in Social Anthropology, University of Glasgow, Schottland

Prof. Dr. Lotte Meinert                                                                                                                                                      Professor of Culture and Society, Aarhus University Moesgaard, Denmark

Prof. Dr.Tatjana Thelen                                                                                                                                                Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria

Workshop Title: Making (a) Difference: Intergenerational Conversations on Transformation and Intimate Relations

The planned three-day workshop will bring together an international and intergenerational array of leading anthropologists to reflect on how intimate relations are made in, with, and through difference – and on how intimate relations make difference in turn. It falls squarely into the UBT focus area Cultural Encounters and Transcultural Processes, enriching it with innovative perspectives on hotly debated issues like identity politics, health politics, and the de-colonization of im/material heritage. The workshop will open ground-breaking directions in the study of intimate relations, kinship, and care, as well as difference. Strategically, it will launch a first-of-its-kind international network of researchers on kinship and intimate relations, under the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA), headed by the University of Bayreuth.

Date: October 25-28, 2023

Workshop Prof. Bouncken

Prof. Dr. Ricarda Bouncken                                                                                                                                                     Chair of Strategic Management and Organization, University of Bayreuth

Prof. Xin (Robert) Luo                                                                                                                                                     Special Assistant to the Dean for Research Advancement,
Anderson School of Management, University of New Mexico, USA

Prof. Dr. Charles Noble                                                                                                                                                       Henry Distinguished Professor of Business, University of Tennessee, USA

Workshop Title: Digital Innovation, Empowerment and the MNE

Today, digital technology is key to innovation, as it underlies processes and the ‘gestalt’ of innovation. Digital technology also supports collaboration between different entities across time and space combining context specific local and global knowledge. Especially multinational enterprises with distributed units and business models can gain from better digitalized connectivity of the distributed geographical locations. Yet, connectivity does not occur automatically. It demands employees who are empowered in using and developing digital technology and who are supported in their digital empowerment by their top management. The proposed workshop will bring together researchers from the field of Innovation Management, International Business, and Information System (IS) to examine the specific conditions, complexities, and possibilities for empowering employees and how empowerment can be further supported by specific top management team constellations.

Date: June 24-26, 2024

Workshop Prof. Nina Nestler

Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler
Chairholder Criminal Law III, Vicepresident Internationalisation, University of Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Adam Sagan                                                                                                                                                           Chairholder European Labour Law, University of Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Shelley Marshall                                                                                                                                                      Associate Professor, RMIT University, Australia

Prof. Dr. Lola Oyelabi                                                                                                                                                                 Professor and Head of Department (Law), RMIT University, Australia

Heather Moore                                                                                                                                                                          PhD Candidate, RMIT University, Australia

Ema Moolchand                                                                                                                                                                          PhD Candidate, RMIT University, Australia

Workshop Title: (Legal Aspects of) Supply Chains

Dealing with global supply chains in terms of respecting minimum labour standards, compliance requirements and human rights, the consideration of environmental aspects, and comprehensive risk analyses currently poses enormous challenges for companies worldwide. The topic of the workshop is closely related to global trade. For this reason alone, it is imperative to address the issue with an international focus. The legislation in Germany, the European Union and Australia shows strong parallels, as the Australian legislation had the function of a role model for legislation in the European Union. A team of researchers at the University of Bayreuth and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology is tackling the related (legal) problems with this workshop.

Date: July 2024

Strategic Scientific Workshops 2022

Prof. König, Prof. Krukowski, Prof. Kuntsche, Dr. Western

Prof. Dr. Laura König
Junior Professor of Public Health Nutrition, University of Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Rebecca Krukowski
Professor of Public Health, University of Virginia, USA

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kuntsche
Professor of Public Health, La Trobe University, Australia

Dr. Max Western
Lecturer in Behavioural Science, University of Bath, UK

Workshop Title: Understanding the digital divide in health promotion

Social inequalities are an important contributor to the global burden of disease. It has been initially assumed that digital health technology may increase access to high quality health care at low cost, however,  first studies suggest that digital health risks to widen, instead of reducing, health disparities. This workshop aims to build an international network of public health researchers addressing social inequalities in digital health to synthesize the current state of research, assess underlying mechanisms of the digital divide, identify research gaps, and propose potential solutions to improve (digital) health for all.

Date: June 20-23, 2023

Website: https://www.phn.uni-bayreuth.de/en/DigitalDivide/index.html

Report: Strategic Scientific Workshop: Understanding the digital divide in health promotion: An international expert workshop

Prof. Dr. Astrid Swenson, Dr. Alison Carrol

Prof. Dr. Astrid Swenson
Chair of European Historical Cultures Institute, University Bayreuth

Dr. Alison Carrol
Reader in European History Institute, Brunel University London, UK

Workshop Title: Borders of Belonging: Historical and Creative Methods in Heritage and Placemaking

This workshop rethinks the role of borders in shaping ideas of heritage and belonging in Europe. While recent historical research has taken increasing account of transnational movements, debates often remain fragmented according to national lines and fail to consider the ways in which a wide set of European, imperial and global encounters and processes interacted. Bringing together scholars and creative practitioners, this workshop addresses this gap by analysing the shifting presentation of borders from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, with attention to sites across Europe and Africa. These sites may have been on the peripheries of nation-states, but they were at the centre of a range of other processes that shaped notions of belonging. Thus, the workshop seeks to advance the fields of historical research, heritage studies and border studies by placing thinking about the role of fluid and closed borders at the heart of historical thinking and heritage practice.

Date: June 28-30, 2023

Website: www.bordersofbelonging.de

Report: Strategic Scientific Workshop: Borders of Belonging: Historical and Creative Methods in Heritage and Placemaking


Foto Prof. Gebauer, Prof. Pausch, Prof. Bidartondo, Prof. Merckx

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gebauer
BayCEER - Laboratory of Isotope Biogeochemistry, University of Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Johanna Pausch
Junior Professor Agroecology, University Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Martin Ignacio Bidartondo
Professor of Molecular Ecology, Imperial College London, UK

Prof. Dr. Vincent Merckx
Group leader, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands

Workshop Title: Establishing a publicly accessible global online database on stable isotope abundance of mycoheterotrophic plants

The BayCEER – Laboratory of Isotope Biogeochemistry (BayCEER–IBG) collected more than 10,000 data on multi-element stable isotope abundance of > 700 plant species from all over the world in an internal database over the past 20 years. The aim of this collection was to identify mycoheterotrophs, i.e. plants living heterotrophic on the cost of their mycorrhizal fungi partners, a unique type of nutrition that has long been completely underappreciated. This database served as tool for > 40 publications from the BayCEER–IBG with many international collaborators. Most of them were published in highly ranked journals and attracted interest worldwide. Research funding and publication policies request more and more access of research data for a broad forum of users in an open access mode. Following this trend, the goal of this Strategic Scientific Workshop is the conversion of the internal database into a publicly accessible online database and its advertisement among a wide suite of users.

Date: September 10-11, 2022

Report: Strategic Scientific Workshop: Establishing a publicly accessible global online database on stable isotope abundance of mycoheterotrophic plants

Strategic Scientific Workshops 2021

Professor Eva Julia Lohse
Chair for Public Law, University of Bayreuth

Professor Margherita Poto
Faculty of Law, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway

Dr. Giulia Parola
Faculty of Law, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil

Dr. Omondi Robert Owino
Law Department, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology School of Law, Nairobi, Kenya

Jane Murungi
School of Law, University of Nairobi (Kisumu campus), Kenya

Workshop Title: Co-production of knowledge in climate governance

Climate change demands solutions from multilevel and polycentric perspectives and new methods in environmental-decision-making. Our 3-day-workshop sets a common framework for co-production of knowledge (CoPK) through the mapping and evaluation of existing climate-smart practices. By using an inductive and comparative approach we explore how state and non-state actors can systematically and effectively develop ways of CoPK in order to take into account perspectives of different knowledge bearers. We assert that CoPK can successfully counter the perceived lack of effectiveness of the mostly uni-lateral participatory rules in administrative and international decision-making. The workshop connects the narrative of effective participation with best practices of CoPK from selected local, traditional, and indigenous communities, in selected areas affected by climate change. The long-term aim is to consolidate our international network and develop training and capacity-building materials.

Date: May 5-6, 2022

Reports: Strategic Scientific Workshop: Co-production of knowledge in climate governance

Aus der Kooperation entstandene Publikation: https://biblioscout.net/book/10.35998/9783830555582

Workshop Prof. Schiewer

Professor Gesine Lenore Schiewer
Chair for Intercultural German Studies, University of Bayreuth

Professor Etienne Damome
Mediation, Information, Communication, Arts (MICA), Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, France

Professor Alain Kiyindou
Directeur du MICA, UNESCO Chair, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, France

Professor Dotsé Yigbe
Linguistics and Literature Studies, Université de Lomé, Togo

Workshop Title: Languages of Participation. Interdisciplinary networking of participatory communication, information technology, ethics and social innovation.

Participatory communication and social innovation are a highly topical interdisciplinary research area at the intersection of computer science research, communication and social sciences, and ethics. At the international level, including in African countries, it is of great interest for positive social, economic, and legal developments.
The partner universities Bordeaux Montaigne and Bayreuth as well as the UNESCO Chair in Bordeaux have the necessary complementary research and application expertise, including extensive experience with research projects in West Africa.

Date: October 14-16, 2021

Reports: Strategic Scientific Workshop: Langues de participation and Workshop brings universities closer together

Strategic Scientific Workshop 2020

Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Ernst, Prof. Dr. Paulina  Aroch Fugellie

Professor Wolf-Dieter Ernst
Professor for Theatre Studies, University of Bayreuth

Professor Paulina Aroch Fugellie
Professor for Arts and Literature, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México

Workshop Title: Embodied Futurities

Our Workshop deepens knowledge and practical expertise in critical, body-oriented teaching methods developed over the last decade. In the theatre-lab, we will engage in practical reflection on the epistemological paradigm that prevailed in our pre-COVID pedagogical scenarios. We will explore futures for ways of teaching that ensue in the aftermath of social distancing, with keen interest in performance-as-research on cultural crises and Futurities. The workshop will be expanded into an online-toolbox and academic paper by both professors. Professor Aroch is former Society for the Humanities Fellow at Cornell University and an Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis graduate, where Professor Ernst also studied – a common interdisciplinary background that feeds into the Workshop.

Date: October 10-16, 2022

Report: Strategic Scientific Workshop “Embodied Futurities”

Webmaster: Susanne Lopez Enriquez

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